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Tim Vaughan-Spencer sat at a desk smilling

Standing Out From
The Crowd


Looking great isn’t enough

I discovered this in the difficult, teen way. It was pretty clear early on that I needed to sound good, or I’d have little success with the girls in school.


A decade or three later and - with that mantra at the fore - I had successfully built and run multiple customer-focused businesses.


What that means for you...


Replicating my success for your business, service, or entrepreneurial venture, using carefully crafted words, gives me a real buzz. I absolutely love our language, especially when

using it to help you realise your goals.


Your average adult sees up to 10,000 ads and websites a day. Together, we can make you stand out from that crowd.





You'll be safe in the knowledge that your project will be handled by someone who knows what it is to be in your shoes, how hard it is to find time to "do it all", and what you have to do, every day, to meet your customer’s needs.


You are the expert in delivering to your audience, I'm who you get in to make them bite!

Almost anyone can come up with 
clever words. Not many can make
even the simplest ones REALLY talk

A little bio, if you have a spare minute whilst sipping your coffee...


In a past life I operated restaurants, bars, and gastropubs in London, Manchester, and Birmingham, as well as remote village locations, multiple ski operations in The Alps, and sunny island beach-side diners.


On a sabbatical from the

grind some years ago,

I launched a travel/food

blog, and discovered

writing about food was

far more interesting!


So, I learned to use writing

to aid the hole-in-the-wall

joints and impassioned owners I

stumbled across on my travels just

needing more targeted messaging to

REALLY take off.


Oh, and I still love eating & cooking new food in far-flung places, am an avid podcast listener, and enjoy a good hack around the golf course.

Tim Vaughan-Spencer on the mountain in ski gear

So, let's get to work and really hook your audience in....

Values​  Helpfulness | Honesty | Independence       Personality type​  ENFJ (protagonist)

Website page completed by Tim Vaughan-Spencer

See what has worked for clients
just like you

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