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Tim Vaughan-Spencer

Get Your Time Back

Let's talk about how valuable your time is.
Spending it trying to find words that convert your audience is time that just won't pay for itself.

We're going to keep things simple though. Simple doesn’t mean less. It means clear - much like the copy you’ll get.


Whilst you and your project are unique, I'll take you through a very simple process to make what can be a complex task feel seamless. 


Let's get your message working for you and your people.

Get In Touch

Complete the contact form and I’ll get back to you to book in a free consultation call at a convenient time for you. I can get a good feel for what you are all about, what you might need, and how it is I can help.


Once on a call, we’ll discover if we are a great fit or not. You need to feel that I get what it is you are doing, and how you want to speak to your audience.

Proposal Time!

You’ll get a proposal based on our discovery call, with details of the deliverable copy, an agreed project brief, and a quote for the project.


Once you’ve pored over it, you’ll let me know how excited you are to get going, and we’ll either set up a call to go over any remaining nitty-gritty, or I'll get straight to producing your copy!

The Fun Part

This is where the really fun part starts....for me at least! I’ll dig deep into what your brand means to people, what your audience REALLY wants, what will compel them to act, and craft copy just for them. If you have a designer, then I can work with them to fit the designs you have in mind around the copy.


Once I have a draft that meets the brief, I’ll get it straight over to you. After you’ve carefully considered what the copy is going to mean for your business, we’ll decide if it is just what you need, or if any revisions are required.

The Grand Finale....

With revisions complete, and a project we are both happy with, I will deliver the final project....I'll even tie it in a nice neat digital bow if it befits the occasion.


I'll always be on hand in the future when your reach grows, new lines are added, or it is just time for a change. It'll soon be time for the world to hear about your NEXT big thing!

Old-fashioned typewriter

Tell Me About Your Goals And
Let's Get Your Audience Mobilised!


Sales & Pitch Coach

"He was very responsive, diligent and great at writing copy that embodied what I wanted to get across, persuasive but not salesly was the goal and it was very well achieved. Thanks Tim!"


Chloe Motorbikes

"Tim was wonderful. Every step he took was explained, and I learnt a lot about how to engage my target audience. He'll be my first call in future!"

Victoria Nieve Spencer, Coach & Author

"I will definitely be working with Tim again and highly recommend his services to anyone seeking a talented copyrighter for their projects."


Silverpink UK

“The things you write are amazing!
Thanks a lot! ”
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